A turnkey solution

Expose offers an experience that integrates the specificities of the event industry.


5 key steps at Expose



The organizer selects the service providers with whom he wishes to work, activates their catalogs and integrates the pricing policy he wishes to apply.

Organizers can also activate catalogs of complementary service providers referenced and negotiated by Expose, thereby increasing their range of services and their sales potential.

If a supplier is not listed on Expose, the team can carry out a sourcing mission.

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Margin / discount configurator

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Margin / discount configurator

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Exhibitor account

Exhibitor account

To simplify the ordering experience for exhibitors, user accounts are pre-configured using different methods: bulk import or API connection.
This enables them to retrieve all their CRM and technical information, so they can order their event services with complete peace of mind. 

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Mass import system with automatic data control
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API connection

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Mass import system with automatic data control

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API connection



Once the catalog offer has been created and the user configured, exhibitors can order their event services on the event marketplace, and submit the technical production files needed to carry out the services. 

Via a dedicated interface provided by Expose, suppliers automatically receive service orders and technical files for validation. 

This gives the organizer an overall view of complementary order flows, price compliance and exhibitor-supplier relations.

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Order online

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Technical file management

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Order online

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Technical file management

Step 4 - Assembly



All services ordered on the marketplace are delivered and assembled on the stand by the suppliers.

On request, project managers ensure the technical coordination and conformity of services provided by suppliers. 

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Technical coordination
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On-site customer support

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Technical coordination

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On-site customer support

Operational review

Operational review

Once supplier invoices have been validated, the Expose team draws up an operational report, enabling organizers to analyze sales and purchasing performance. And to rework the catalog assortment for the next edition. 

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Synchronized export of orders

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Automated supplier invoicing
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Synchronized export of orders

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Automated supplier invoicing

operating record
Picto - Organizers

For the organizer

Additional sales

For the exhibitor

A simplified, stress-free experience

Picto - Suppliers

For the supplier

A market opportunity

Compatible applications

Take advantage of a free 30-minute demonstration of the tool.